The Language of Learning

The Language of Learning, book by Myra Travin

The Language of Learning is a book for everyone who wants to find the best minds in each area of Learning Design and Performance in one place: It introduces the field of education to business professionals through the terminology that defines the field. It includes definitions of 52 terms that business professionals need to know about business education and training. Each term has a definition, a description of why that term is important, and an essay about why business professionals need to know this term and how they can use it. Each of the 52 terms was contributed by a leading expert and provides thought leadership in that specific area.

I am honored to be a part of this stellar group of learning professionals who have contributed to this book. I will be following up my contribution to this with a new project called InSense AI to build upon my body of work in technology-enabled performance support and Gen AI performance.


Available at the XML Press website!